Team Members

Shruti Pandey

Electronics Head

Sammod Date

Core Team Member

Nagesh Shukla

Core Team Member

Ibrahim Mir

Core Team Member

Harshvardhan Chogale

Core Team Member

About Electronics Team

Electronics Department acts as a bridge between the mechanical and the coding department. It accounts for the microcontroller and other electrical and electronic components to complement the mechanical hardware.

Our work starts with researching about the various electronic components that can be used for our bot which includes sensors, micro controllers, motor controllers,etc. Simulation of prototype circuits is done on softwares like Proteus and Tinkercad.These prototype designs are tested on breadboard and perf board.Major focus is on designing PCB for the bot that begins with making schematics to getting them printed and this is done on professional softwares like Altium and Solidworks PCB.